lab 24 Creating a Branch


It’s time to do a major rewrite of the hello world functionality. Since this might take awhile, you’ll want to put these changes into a separate branch to isolate them from changes in master.

Create a Branch 01

Let’s call our new branch ‘greet’.


git checkout -b greet
git status

NOTE: git checkout -b <branchname> is a shortcut for git branch <branchname> followed by a git checkout <branchname>.

Notice that the git status command reports that you are on the ‘greet’ branch.

Changes for Greet: Add a Greeter class. 02

File: lib/greeter.rb

class Greeter
  def initialize(who)
    @who = who
  def greet
    "Hello, #{@who}"


git add lib/greeter.rb
git commit -m "Added greeter class"

Changes for Greet: Modify the main program 03

Update the hello.rb file to use greeter

File: lib/hello.rb

require 'greeter'

# Default is World
name = ARGV.first || "World"

greeter =
puts greeter.greet


git add lib/hello.rb
git commit -m "Hello uses Greeter"

Changes for Greet: Update the Rakefile 04

Update the Rakefile to use an external ruby process

File: Rakefile

#!/usr/bin/ruby -wKU

task :default => :run

task :run do
  ruby '-Ilib', 'lib/hello.rb'


git add Rakefile
git commit -m "Updated Rakefile"

Up Next 05

We now have a new branch called greet with 3 new commits on it. Next we will learn how to navigate and switch between branches.

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